Cut weapon mods restored
Cut weapon mods restored

cut weapon mods restored

Yes I am the first to restore the Didgeridoo and E3 Defib sadly. If someone could make a vtf edit over those for Beta Defib pack I'd be very grateful. I wanted the Defib pack to be a RNG skin over the Ammo Pack, original defib or medkit but I don't know how vtf frames work. Do note that the Defib pack works the same as the ammo pack just a retexture also you'll either see the defib pack or the ammo pack depending on the map due to 16 melee limit. The riot shield was fully modeled and textured and can still be spawned in-game both via the console and during custom campaigns, while the didgeridoo had a low-poly model, but no textures. L4D2 Wiki, In Left 4 Dead 2 there were originally going to be a riot shield and a didgeridoo as usable melee weapons in the game. Hai notato che all'interno del gioco sembra mancare qualche modifica alle armi o non ce ne sono abbastanza Con questa mod l'autore ha ripristinato quei contenuti che sono stati rimossi dagli sviluppatori per alcune armi tipo il castello bipiede per il fucile da caccia che viene mostrato. Offline works perfectly and remember you need your own server in order to use this otherwise it won't work) Cut Weapon Mods Restored (CWMR) - Traduzione Italiana.

cut weapon mods restored

(THIS IS UNTESTED ONLINE as of right now, please give feedbook on how it goes. If you do I won't release the other cut content in the future, GIVE CREDIT ALWAYS AND ASK PERMISSION FIRST! I know in the thumbnail it shows the icon as the baseball bat but trust me it's it own weapon, This does NOT REPLACE ANY WEAPON but rather extends upon them, yes this has the Shovel and Pitchfork, also the third screenshot should be what other online players see.

cut weapon mods restored


Cut weapon mods restored